My dad, Bill Roberts, who is an author and artist, moved in with my husband, Dirk and I about a year ago. Dad is a 4th generation Floridian so that makes me a 5th generation cracker. It has been an adventure. We both love history and nature and it has been a real blessing having him with us. He is now 83 and has no filter about what he says, so there are always surprises and humorous jewels every day. I will be blogging, this new medium that I am trying to master, about our ramblings and painting adventures. My goal is to include a glimpse into the back roads and charming places that are still abundant in Florida if you are willing to look for them. Most of what we do requires little more than some painting supplies, a willingness to let the day unfold and a tank full of gas. I hope you decide to tag along.
I have been needing a studio to call my own and a private place for dad. One day, this guy from Shiloh says to my brother, Paul Roberts, “I have an old cracker house I am getting ready to demolish. It was built in the 30’s from heart pine. Would you like it?” Perfect, now we just have to move it. Next thing, it is wrapped up like a bologna sandwich and rolling down the highway at 60mph. We set it up on our property on big wooden blocks and get to work. Luckily, Paul is a builder. A huge labor of love later we have a cracker house with porches and dad and I have a studio